Essential Oil Blend
I declare the illusion of control vanishes now.
My friends, our need for control vanishes the moment we decide. And as soon as we surrender it, relinquish it, we create room for abundance, joy and peace to enter our lives.
Have you ever had moments, or quite possibly you might currently be in one now, where you feel you are forcing things? Frustration, overwhelm, discord and anger are taking over? You may even be so aware as to KNOW you are forcing things but no matter the cost, you must be right and so you continue with your defiant resistance.
Oh Sweet One, you may have just realized how often you are there. It's ok, I can relate. I have been there. So cheers to us, with our defiant, stubborn ways and our stilettos dug deep into the ground.
The important thing is that you realize when it is happening. Because when you are forcing, you are completely shutting off the entire flow of creativity into your life. Now, lean in for this one...the answer to your problems, is in creativity. But creative thinking, ideas, solutions are all blocked by the restrictive energy of being defiant.
The solution, the key, the freedom.... all lies in one simple action. One simple word L E T.
Yes, you must simply take a deep breath, and L E T yourself surrender.
Surrender to endless solutions, endless possibilities, endless moments of bliss, calm and harmony. L E T.
Lavender, Lemon, Black Spruce, Roman Chamomile, Angelica, Mountain Savory, and Matricaria
The calm aroma of chamomile wraps around the familiar comfort of lavender and citrus with a faint hint of winter wood.
Apply behind earlobes and on the back of the neck after diffusing Humility. Follow with Forgiveness over the liver, Abundance over the heart, and Joy on the wrists.
Apply around the ears of strong-willed children during periods of transition and change.