Don't Be A Monkey

Failures, obstacles, challenges, uncomfortable conversations, being misunderstood by the same people who once understood you clearly.... it's all a sign of growth. Beautiful growth. Not one of these can happen inside the confines of a stagnant status. Stagnant .... what a terrifying status. >>> You realize you can only stay there for an incredibly brief second, don't you? <<< Once in motion, always in motion. The law of gravity will always prevail. >>> Good luck defying or ignoring THAT law. The laws are not manmade therefore the laws cannot be changed unless of course you can part the seas and turn my water into wine. >>> Friends, backwards is still a motion. You must use your WILL to move forward and stay in that forward motion. > KEEP GOING < God has imaged IN YOUR MIND the most perfect, beautiful vision for your life. He didn't image the plan, just the vision. Once you realize you're worthy of that image, the plan will unfold. It WILL..... IF.... you will it to be. [ read that again, until it resonates ] .... BUT [and this is a BIG but] that image is UNIQUE to you, completely individualized to you. .

SO my friends * sips coffee and puts on best Miranda Priestly 'come to Jesus meeting' voice * if you are watching and comparing yourself to others and getting so wrapped up in comparison that you don't even know what you want anymore....If you are listening to the opinions and excuses of others to the point of immobilization, and if you are speaking the words and excuses and the b.s. of others and thereby TOTALLY negating the image in your mind of what YOU want, THAT PERFECT INDIVIDUALIZED IMAGE, that is in YOUR mind.... well then as they say "monkey see, monkey hear, monkey say..... monkey do." ...... That's all.

Tricia Nordby