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casting call

your future self is waiting for you to escape the maze

It’s easy to get caught in the maze of daily life. We encounter walls, dead ends, and back tracks. I’ve been there. Maybe you’re there right now. So humor me a moment. Let’s zoom up 30,000 feet, high above the maze, and get some perspective. Look far out on the horizon. No walls up here! What do you want the future to hold? Let your imagination soar. I’ll give you a few minutes…


Here’s the exciting news: a casting call is being held TODAY for the role of your future self…the person who will play THE LEAD ROLE in what you just envisioned.

The lead role in a movie is never left to chance. Casting defines every detail of this character and then searches for the perfect fit. Can you imagine if instead of Meryl Streep, Roseanne Barr played Miranda Priestley in The Devil Wears Prada? Or instead of Sylvester Stallone, Kevin James played Barney Ross in The Expendables? Defining the character for which you are casting is ESSENTIAL to success. What is the physical appearance of this character? What do you picture this person wearing? Driving? Eating? Where does this character live? What does this character believe? What are the qualities of the individuals in this character’s closest circles?

I’ve created this Casting Call sheet to put this exercise in focus. Print it out. Print a few! And start writing.

I look forward to these characters coming to life sooner rather than later!

PS: I chose this iconic photo in New York’s Central Park because I didn’t want to box in your imagination. Only you know if your future self is a writer crafting her magic in a cottage in Provence. Or perhaps your future self is an Olympic champion. Or your future self might be a world-renowned anthropologist in Peru. How was I supposed to fit an infinite number of visions in one image?! So this photo depicts leaping with confidence and grace toward possibility. In any case, that is what it says to me!

Photo credit: Leonard McCombe

ready to go further?!


This confidence manual is meant to be USED – not sit on a shelf. Put it in your handbag. Read a chapter each day to set your intentions. Take notes. Turn the corners of those pages! It really is a DIY manual for your life! (By the way, this book has been read by many husbands, and many children, too. Confidence is for everyone.)


The single most powerful thing I have ever done was learning how to DESIGN my life. And if it takes me the rest of mine, I’m committed to show you how to do the same. Isn’t that a life worth living?! This isn’t just a book. This isn’t just a daily pep talk. This is guided devotion to help you write YOUR most powerful story yet.

Design Your Life
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